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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Reflections on Pakhtun Cause

Reflections on Pakhtun Cause
Pir Rokhan

The days of using Afghanistan for strategic depth against India are gone. Afghanistan is and will remain to be a free and independent sovereign state despite of the malicious propaganda by the Punjabi media.

The sell-out Punjabised Pakhtuns on the payroll of ISI (Taliban) could not even divide it. The Non Pashtun Afghans are even against any division of the unitary Afghanistan which has been the graveyard for all those who tried to ruin and devastate it.As the Durand line is not acceptable to Pakhtuns hence the issue still remains between Pakistan and Afghanistan like the Kashmir issue.

The only way for the Pakhtuns to remain in Pakistan is to unite them within Pakistan in a united Pakhtunkhwa province consisting of NWFP, Northren areas, Attock Mianwali, Pakhtun belt of Baluchistan as demanded by the Pakhtun nationalist parties.

Provincial autonomy is the next step to make them really a part of Pakistan. This is the demand of all three provinces whose resources are being exploited by Punjab for the last 60 years plus. A true federation is the only way out for Pakistan.

Pakhtuns and other oppressed nations, if given their due share and rights in governance are not in favour of merging with Afghanistan unless the compulsive forces of history separate them.

The crux of the matter is that till Pakistan faces it natural death and continues to tread the way which leads to suicide, all the nations have to be given their due rights and share in power and atleast Pakhtuns are not in favour of getting separated from Pakistan.

It is life of dignity and honour which is what Pakhtuns demand which they don’t find in a rogue state like Pakistan which has become a symbol of dishonour, terrorism, fundamentalism, corruption and defacto rule of Punjabi army and the malicious intelligence agencies.


Pakhtuns are more exploited ,humiliated and now killed along with a loss of language ,culture, identity ,history and glory than those who are "urbanized”.

We are already facing the music of Pakhtuns modernized and urbanized by PTV,ISPR and “Mutalia Pakistan” so much that they dont know who was Amir Karor, Mirwais Neka, Ahmed Shah baba,Abdul Ahad Momand, Khuhshal Khan Khattak, Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai, Bacha Khan, Sanober Husain, Hamza Shinwari etc etc.

The Pakistanised Pakhtuns now only know those British puppets who were used by them to create a banana republic for the cold war using the name of religion or those Punjabis who offered their services for safeguarding the interests of Punjab etc.

The rest of Pakistan is urbanized at the cost of those innocent ,poor, exploited Pakhtuns,Balochis and Sindhi labour class who have been living below poverty line in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan due to the autocratic rule of Punjabi army who have been scaring the people of Pakistan with Indian and Sikh army - a people who are originally their cousins in race.

There is no difference between the Punjabis, Sindhis of India and Pakistan. Both have the same blood,color, culture, history. It is just some Arabic sentences and rituals which the Muslim Sikhs have adopted without knowing their meaning.

Pakhtuns neither were part of Indian civilization (ofcourse there is no such thing as Pakistani civilization) nor are part of it.

Pakhtuns dont even recognize the version of Punjabi Islam (which justifies killing millions of Afghans and devastating their state to safeguard their interest covering it under the cover of Fortress of Islam).

Pakhtuns are Afghans and they by their very emotional and mental make up cannot consider submission to be wisdom.

Pakhtuns do not hate any nation due to their color ,creed or race but expect treatment on egalitarian basis.

The Pakhtuns who were made a part of Pakistan as a result of the fraudulent referendum which all Punjabised Pakhtuns refer to in their writings are still facing the music. It is good that Khudai Khidmatgaars boycotted the drama which stamped misery and deprivation on the fate of Pakhtuns in Pakistan once and for all.

Now just check what we have gained and what we have lost after being a part of Pakistan.

Are your ears deaf not to hear the cries and miseries of those IDPs whose parents, kids, sons and daughters are killed by Punjabi army and air force to prove their efficiency in meeting the two weeks deadline given by the US to Pakistan after which they were going to invade Pakistan???

Are you blind not to see the exploitation of our water and power resources by Punjab? Will you give an inch of your land to any person of your own lineage and kinship? Here the situation is Punjab has got all the waters of your rivers and diverted them to make their lands fertile and left us jobless to beg for petty jobs in the streets of Punjab?

Don’t you see the revenue from tobacco being used just to make that Pakistan prosperous which means Punjab only.

Does the failure of Gadoon amazai by Punjabi industrialists and beaureocracy not ring bells in your mind?

Don’t you know that this entire Taliban factor is an ISI drama? Don’t you know that it is a strategy to malign Pakhtuns and to show it a real drama to the world to get dollars?

Don’t you know that Fazlaullah's radio was established, maintained and safeguarded by army captains. Do you want the names?

Are you not aware of Sufi Mohammad? Don’t you know he is an ISI pet who was used by ISI through major Amir in nineties?

Pakhtuns used to stand for their kith and kins, rights and nation and now look what we are taught that submission is wisdom.

Intellectualising your slavery, Justifying the occupation of your resources by Punjab, Pacifying the natural retaliation against the usurping of my property my resources. And then preferring to be a slave and being proud of it and calling it wisdom. The wisdom which people like you acquire after seeing the colour of the dollar in Punjab.

I have propose that Pakhtuns have three options contrary to Baloch, who have no other option but to get separate and Pakhtuns should support them to get rid of Punjabi imperialism.

1) They can live in Pakistan (anyway it was an Afghan colony under Ahmed shah baba's Afghanistan) but under the condition that there should be a united province called Afghania or Pakhtunkhwa or Pakhtunistan with provincial autonomy.

If Pakistanis want to run Pakistan affairs it has to be based on equal share in the right to govern. Otherwise the Pakistanis and Punjabi stooges and stalwarts who consider Pakhtuns' demand for their legal and legitimate right to be against Pakistan and a risk to the integrity and solidarity of Pakistan should go to hell along with their Pakistan. If my demands for my rights mean the breakup of Pakistan then Pakistan should break up sooner than later.

2) The creation of a separate state like Balochistan, Karachi city state (on the lines of Singapore), Sindho Desh, Bengal etc.

3) The merger of Pakhtun land with Afghanistan.

I do not mind the first option. My point is that the international scenario now needs the unification of Pakhtunland and I don’t see the balls and brains in Pakistan to oppose that agenda.

Pakhtuns in Afghanistan are much better off then those in Pakistan. It is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven as Milton had said.If your stereotypes col Imam and Col Zameer stop destroying the Pakhtun motherland as they have been destroying for the last 30 years then it will proposer. It is however a good omen that Taliban have turned against the Punjabi army and ISI and they are facing the music from their own brainchild. But this is what they say what you sow so shall you reap.

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